How To Save on Gas in Your RV

How To Save on Gas in Your RV

If you drive an RV, you’ve probably heard someone criticize it for being a ‘gas guzzler’ more than once. Realistically, you don’t need to be reminded. No one gets an RV while thinking they’re not going to be using a lot of fuel.

So, while you will likely never be able to get your rig down to hybrid fuel levels, there are some things you can do to save gas while you’re driving. We’ve even got a suggestion that will help you save on fuel by making a few changes off the road!

With that in mind, let’s look at a few tips you can use as you head full-swing into the fall camping season. Load the family up for a road trip and save a little bit of fuel along the way.

Change Your Driving Style

Don’t let this suggestion trigger any frustration! You don’t have to completely change the way you drive your RV in order to save some gas. But, there are a few habits you might want to change.

First, don’t accelerate too quickly, especially from a full stop. Doing so will reduce your fuel economy and will have you wasting a lot of fuel each time you get going.

It’s also important to drive the speed limit. Accelerating too fast, even when you’re already rolling, can cost you several additional cents per gallon. If you’re comfortable with it, try using cruise control on long stretches of road with the same speed limit.

Make Sure to Maintain Your RV

Did you know you can set your RV up for fuel success even when you aren’t driving it?

One of the best things you can do is to make sure your rig is well-maintained year-round. You should always start with the tires if fuel economy is your concern. Tire pressure often gets overlooked, but if your tires are low at all, you’ll burn up gas quickly. By checking the pressure regularly, you’ll know when they need to be filled.

Additionally, simple periodic maintenance items can greatly increase your fuel economy, including changing the air filter and making sure you’re using synthetic oil. If you’re not comfortable performing maintenance yourself, make sure you’re taking your rig to a professional at least once a year. A good rule of thumb is to take it in the Spring if you’re not a year-round traveler. Once you de-winterize your RV, it's a great time for routine maintenance.

Not only can maintaining your RV give everything a much-needed tune-up, but it can warn you of any impending issues that might be on the horizon. A mechanic can let you know if anything looks like a risk. If you trust the mechanic, listen to their suggestions about parts or other items of work that need to be done.

Gas mileage will always be a topic of conversation when it comes to RVs. While you may not be able to lower your fuel economy by much, you can keep these tips in mind to make the most of it. After all, every penny counts!

Oct 19th 2020 Stacey Koziel

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